Quantum Design is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Since 2014, Quantum Design has worked hard to develop, implement and maintain an Integrated Management System that includes both ISO 9001 certification and is ITAR compliant. Over the years our customer groups have continually pushed to see a quality management system in place to ensure a quality product and service. For Quantum, our Integrated Management System is a measurement of our customers’ satisfaction as well as our continual improvement as a company. In addition, we have set internal goals to help grow our company and increase our productivity, efficiency and quality and we have created tracking systems to measure those goals on a regular basis. Quantum cares about our customer’s happiness and wants to go above and beyond to provide quality products and services. See a little of what the Integrated Management System contains below:
- Reviewing our suppliers on a regular basis and holding them to a higher accountability in order to ensure the best parts and services are going into our products
- More regimented quality checks throughout a project in order to reduce delays related to quality and accuracy errors at the completion of a job
- A receiving inspection process that allows us to catch supplier and part errors right up front
- Issuing internal and supplier corrective and preventative actions in order to resolve quality issues and ensure they do not happen a second time
- Following up and measuring customer satisfaction on a regular basis in order to ensure customer issues are resolved in a timely manner
- Setting internal goals and measuring the success of those goals to provide you with quality products and services faster and more accurately
- ITAR compliant procedures that assure your ITAR project is in safe hands
- Much, much more!
The above is just a brief summary of the many great things our Integrated Management System contains that can be a benefit to our customers. (Please note that at this time our KTI and CTC products are not included in our certification, we are in the process of training and rolling that product line into the process since moving into one facility in April 2019.)
If you would like to give Quantum Design feedback on our products, services or your customer experience, please contact us at any time! We look forward to hearing from you and also welcome feedback of any kind. Contact us today using our Contact form.